What an amazing game! One that was on my radar since its release.

This is one of my games I set time aside to play with my roommate, and our partners. Which was honestly the best way to play. The collaborative nature of trying to decipher the language in game created such a unique puzzle solving experience.

The core mechanic of the game revolved around traveling around the level and using context clues to understand how language is used. Clues can be inferred from how characters speak to you, interpreting signs on buildings, and various other ways. The game was never exhausting to play. At times it would feel incredibly challenging, but having a friend or two to play with you certainly helps in deciphering the language without getting frustrated or too lost.

Before I wrap up this review I do want to acknowledge the score and art of the game. Chants of Sennaar has a beautiful art direction that can feel minimalist at times, but varied and diverse in others. Each time their is a new landscape introduced not only does the color palette and architecture change, but so does the way the camera set the scene. I really appreciated how well everything blended together especially for the finale of the game.

The same can be said for the score of the game. At times the music would be subtle and nuanced as you take the opportunity to think about potential solutions or meanings to words. However, when there were actionable or more dynamic scenes the score would swell up and a chorus of instruments would create a dramatic sense of epicness and scale that made playing the game that much more exciting and intriguing.

Having this game be the first game my roommate and I completed in 2024 ultimately made the start of the year that much better. I will always recommend this game to puzzle lovers, and people interested in playing something unique and original. If you are looking for something that breaks your brain, but also can make you feel like the smartest person alive I would have to recommend this game.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
