This game was kind of .. interesting. I guess I would have love it more, if I played it earlier as a child like all the others. But without looking through rose-tinted spectacles, it was just "okay". The story was okay, but nothing special. ( Join a group of diver and search a treasure ) And sure there is lot to do. Learn about ocean creatures and shoot pictures of them to earn money just to get better equipment. But do you need it? No. You can play just the story with the equipment you have. Score is good. But just from time to time. You often swim without any background music. Why?

And what I really didn't liked about this game .... the motion control. Wii was really not great when it comes to the WiiMotes.

Oh, what i missed to say: Seems like the world of divers is full of hot chicks :D

Reviewed on May 24, 2023
