A launch title for the PlayStation 3 that I always blew off as a run-of-the-mill FPS with the classic mid-late 00's brown and gray color palette. While some of that is true, I really enjoyed my time with this 2006 Sci-Fi Shooter.

Releasing in '06, the game's control scheme is wack. Surprisingly (and luckily) you can remap the entire controller, so that is a huge asset in enjoying this game more. I also think this game looks and plays well (locked to 30 FPS, but feels great) There's not a ton to say about this game as it's the first in a franchise, but I enjoyed my time with it.

It's incredibly atmospheric and I think that's the game's biggest strength as everything else leaves a bit to be desired. Since this game is from the Ratchet and Clank devs, the weapons are interesting enough and all viable in the correct situations, like the machine gun that you can spend a clip to create an auto-turret or the Auger that can pierce through barriers and walls and shots get stronger with each barrier passed through.

Frustrating checkpoints aside, I'm happy to be pleasantly surprised by this game and I'm looking forward to playing through the rest of the series to see how they improve on the groundwork laid out by the first entry.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
