Calling it quits on this one. The premise is interesting as this is basically a single-player MMORPG and there is an infection taking over "The World" (the name of the in-game MMO game) and your goal is to uncover the mysteries revolving around that infection. However, every part of the gameplay is a bore. Combat is clunky, slow, and boring. The levels ("servers") you visit are usually uninspired and bland and the dungeons are multi-layered time sinks that almost put me to sleep.

Definitely bummed as I own all of these games and I went to investigate if the series gets better with the future entries and from what I can gather, the gameplay stays the same but adds more areas and stronger monsters.

The story is the only saving grace here, but I can't force myself to play through a grind heavy slog of a game. Throwing this back on the shelf.

Reviewed on Dec 09, 2023
