I wrote a proper review and then it didn’t save. TLDR: story is repetitive, slow and not all that well written. Lost interest in picking events because they’re all similar. Battles are fun except when they throw random crap in on the complete other side of the map that you have to rush over to.

Reviewed on May 26, 2023


1 year ago

I thought I was the only one who just thought this game was fine. The story does pick up near the very end, but the side characters don't really do anything after they join your party. I would recommend trying the sequel. Despite having a formula to the days, the story is much snappier, compelling, more things happen like making preparations for the impending boss fight, and picking events has purpose because it actually fleshes out each character. One, for example, is about someone rekindling a relationship because of their fear of commitment, another, is about someone overcoming the loss of some of their loved ones. Another is about finding the courage to face their problems, and overcoming their cowardice. They don't become brave and change outright, but they fight to protect in spite of their fear.

Everyone is memorable, has a very well rounded personality, and fleshed out characters, rather than having one or two personality traits that they are focused around like the first game. Additionally, the side characters are far more important and in every trial, there are two or more teams. One team, is you and your party, while the other team or teams, are the characters you didn't choose. Every character is given a roll to play in the story.
Yeah that sounds more fleshed out than the first game. Once I’m in the mood to come back to this I’ll switch to the sequel.

1 year ago

Don't know if you are aware but it's another entry rather than a direct sequel. So you can play it without worrying about the first. It might retroactively make the first easier to play if you enjoy the second.

2 months ago

Decently better than Horizon imo.