Shooty Shooty Gun Man Part 17!

I would probably put this in the middle of the pack of the series. It's not necessarily bad but considering we've had so many games I expect more innovation at this point. While the graphics and gameplay are good, the soundtrack is great and the voice acting is above average the story left a lot to be desired. For starters, it's incredibly short and easy. The ending is also very underwhelming and the lack of gibbing like in some earlier CoD games is sorely missed. I'm also tired of these war games really feeling neutered by not letting the player commit war crimes and having some sort of morality system that challenges the player's actions. I did however enjoy the Zombies mode.

Side note: Man! I really missed Sam Worthington as Mason. Despite the fact that he didn't even attempt an American accent he at least added more emotion to the character. This version of Mason was bland and forgettable.

Reviewed on Sep 24, 2022
