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In short: Itz gud, get it if you care about atmosphere and/or any knowledge in music.

Played the OG and loved it years back.
This version is more puzzle to rhythm but that’s fine for me as nearly all the puzzles are fun and I generally dislike puzzles in games so they’re done right. Some reveal parts to the story, some puzzles have to be solved hours later till you get a certain item(s) in so keeping each area relevant to come back to and puzzles are good for narrative and gameplay purpose as you get sheet music nearly every puzzle completed. Peaks in the atmosphere and every area feels alive and serve a purpose. The narrative falls flat in some areas in comparison to the original like the ending feels more anticlimactic and since chose to be only play as the girl, you don’t have the beginning of Deemo being alone and playing the piano.

Not to mention removal of some scenes hurt the development of the characters and loosen the reason to working the goal to grow the tree. Like the girl genuinely shown one emotion this whole game of being happy and really shown no desire to go back home, main reason why I think the ending anticlimactic this time around. “I wanna go home” cutscene in the OG is an example. The masked women I disliked how she was handled by just being an asshole or anxious in this game while the original had her taken the role of a figured to be looked up to whole foreboding. In which is a odd choice to what the story is about.

(Going into massive spoiler area now)
Both were figures (Deemo and Masked women) figures to be the Girl’s subconscious trying to guide her during her coma. Their characteristics fit to the original and made since to why the masked women was crying at the end as it the girl’s ego just trying to protect the mind, just like our brains don’t want us to do anything difficult. As the end of this version she wasn’t crying and the entire game acting antagonistic and having no genuine interaction with her and the girl to hint to being the same person made the reveal feel really out of the left field.

Thanks for reading and hope you’ll enjoy it the same (or more) as I did. It’s a mobile game that sticks out from the rest and glad it can be preserved in a concrete way now.