Tl;dr, great game, won’t recommend if going in blind to the series.

Hoo boy! What a great budget cutscene at the beginning and prompted to find the Amber Crown and stop a secret project! While I do know this is a prequel game, it’s sure is an upgrade in gameplay, maps, and more pleasant enjoyment game to AC1 on casual play.

I really like a reoccurring AC like Sumika to be there on multiple missions, adds to some drama and grows to care. Even while the sorry goes on, Sumika shows some direct care and worry for the players is (sadly) a rare thing to see in the AC series. Whoever did the voice acting for Sumika in English gets a round of applause.

The opposition is done with the main antagonist, Stinger, a complete clown and honestly made me have no interest in the Amber Crown because it's run by this dude who keeps reappearing, kills him in 5 seconds, says something cheesy, then leaves. The weight of the story lost it all with this guy and honestly it would've worked if they decided to something like Stinger is Amber Crown's contractor, but used to be an elite raven beforehand. It's disappointing to see how well they handled the opposing Ravens in the last game; to have this Team Rocket villain.

The final boss was great, even though it ended short like many others, it was impressive to see and one of a kind. Way better boss to the 1st game and even AC 3
Now the arena is a legendary staple and main reason for the series' appeal. This one that started is flat in personality. Nearly all the AC’s description is something like “lowerweight AC that has a rival with X ''. Also in this game, you don’t interact with any of the Ranked ACs in the missions nor get any messages from fellow ACs pilots; This is the ONLY thing we have to describe them. With that, I never gave a care about climbing more than just the gameplay aspect and how fun it is besides no narrative care for. Also who knows, the Japanese version may be way better, one day I’ll come back and play it in Japanese when it comes down the line.

Gameplay? It’s great.

Overall: Recommended if already an AC fan, it has so much personality to the other titles and one you can remember things fondly. Definitely a must play title if you come back to ps1 era of AC, but you can die peacefully without touching it. Unrecommended because it does a way different take on their fundamentals, long missions, flat arena, and cheesy af story.

(Minor spoilers)
P.S. Here’s active notes I took while playing the game. Thought they’re too good to not be put in : )

-Helicopters are annoying and look like dragonflies
-The map variety is better, but are more complex and longer missions.
-I played this game under the the condition to play with thank or quad legs only to make myself have more of a challenge and be innovative.
-The WA-Finger is one of the best awards after the arenas, it's so fun and love to shoot it anytime I see the opportunity to
-I dislike how much an explosive range rocket weapons have, it's a little absurd that the game felt like "Who gets hit 1st wins” the match on occasion. You can bunny hop away and still get a fraction hit off you from the explosion.

Reviewed on Feb 15, 2023
