So it has taken me exactly 2 months to finish this game and I have quite a bit to say.

To start, I just want to say I cannot believe the state this game was released in. My game would constantly crash making it impossible to progress and ontop of that I wasn't able to do the bounty hunting missions till I was 3/4 through the game as they did not work for me until the patch was released.

Now a lot of the stuff I mentioned was really holding this game back for me but I am able to look past all that due to what an absolute near masterpiece this is. The game looks and plays incredibly. The combat is amazing and there is a lot of variation. I did find this easier than the last game so I had to put the difficulty up to Jedi Master to spice things up a bit. As for the story, it has a very weak start but holy shit the last act really saves the entire narrative. The final act of the game was just incredible and managed to push this up by 0.5 stars for me.

Overall, minus the state of the game at launch this game is a must play. It has a lot of moments that warmed my heart as well as a few moments that made me tear up. It's safe to say I am very excited to see how Respawn conclude this trilogy.

Reviewed on Jul 14, 2023
