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1 day

Last played

October 29, 2021

Platforms Played


Remember when I said the first Psychonauts was an interesting case of having extremely creative ideas, themes and elements with fun characters and writing, but when it remembered "oh right, I'm supposed to be a 3D platformer", it didn't really do a remarkable job at it at all? With Psychonauts 2, not only is the actual platforming improved by a considerable margin, but the themes, ideas, creative visuals, story and characters are even BETTER than they were before.

The levels are far more mind-bendingly creative, as impressive illusions stretch around you while the ground twists turns and warps in all sorts of directions, it's such a huge visual treat to traverse through. The level design itself is also improved, while not outstanding it scratches a fine enough itch for a solid 3D platformer with decent mechanics. Raz's controls are so much tighter and responsive compared to the original, which makes these stages all the more fun to play. Combat has been made far more interesting and involved, and while it isn't great (being forced to swap your eventual 8 psychic abilities just to counter specific enemies can be a bit of a chore), these psychic powers are far more fun to use and are far more interesting than they ever were in the first game. Honestly I don't have much to say, I was pleasantly delighted by how fun witty and heartwarming this game turned out to be. I might actually come back to 100% it considering I've already knocked out a good chunk of the collectables in each world.