Games With Lung in the Title Ranked

Yes, I really did play all these games just to make this stupid list. It started with me playing Automaton Lung and remembering having Iron Lung on my wishlist. Then I thought "I wonder how many games on igdb have the word Lung in them? If there are any more you know, by all means suggest them and I'll play them

Automaton Lung
Automaton Lung
Absolute Kino. I thought this was just a shitpost but its a genuinely enjoyable game, the atmosphere, the primitive environments, the weird janky gameplay, amazing stuff


4-Lung Boy
4-Lung Boy
A pretty charming point and click game. Relatable without feeling the need to be Relatable


Sapphire Lung
Sapphire Lung
A cool, short interactive fiction piece about industrial health and safety


Iron Lung
Iron Lung
I don't know if I'll end up reviewing this shit, cause I played 25 minutes of this game and really disliked it. It felt really boring, tedious and wether or not the picture I took registered a tick on the map seemed entirely random. And as a rule, its hard to win me over after the "What the fuck do you want from me, Game?!" moment is had. I'm dreading finishing this shitload of fuck, feeling very tempted to just watch it on youtube


1 Comment

1 year ago

I haven't played it, but Iron Lung is pretty cool. I do recommend watching a playthrough of it because it's rather neat (I watched Markiplier though I'm sure plenty others have played it).

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