This game has pretty inexcusable technical issues, the framerate is insanely choppy, It crashed on two occasions and Bugs are very present in the experience. On the other hand this is the most fun Ive had with a pokemon game since I was a little kid playing gen3/4, so Its only fair to give it 8/10.

The open world really does suit pokemon, and breaking up quests helps the pacing massively. In fact in contrast with the godawful story in Swsh and the slog of bullshit that is SuMo, I actually found myself giving a slight amount of shit about the characters in a pokemon game! For the first time in... ever basically.

Arguably the game could have used some scaling (imo I would have made 3 tiers of Boss trainers, and given them 3, 4 and 5 pokemon respectively based on badge order) but in all honesty I was never absurdly overleveled except for thew bug and electric gym basically.

At the end of the day though, Ive really enjoyed my experience with these games, other than the two times it crashed (which is pretty embarassing for a massive multibillion dollar corporation to output, and no Gamefreak isnt an indie studio)

Reviewed on Nov 25, 2022
