Played For Backloggd Game of the Week 07/02 - 14/02
A lot of negative feelings all around it seems. I guess its my job to defend this game as someone who actually rather enjoyed it.

I don't really enjoy deckbuilders very much, in fact seeing "card battler" on a game's tags is a surefire way for me to skip said game just below "roguelike/lite". So it was a surprise that I rather enjoyed the gameplay loop of Majin, playing around with the different spells and their effects, gathering a new one every floor and clearing all the enemies before moving on to the next. Alright its nothing transcendental but it kept me pretty hooked for the hour or so it took to finish it.

Otherwise I really enjoyed the aesthetic, the colour palette is so appealingly ... monochrome? Im not entirely sure what the official name for what its trying to do is but just look at some screenshots it speaks for itself. The Models too I found so charming the way they look like they've been made with modelling clay for the weirdest episode of Wallace and Gromit yet. The music does get kind of repetitive which is an achievement for such a brief game.

The plot is told piecemeal through very brief dialogue (like one line) every floor slowly clueing you in to the ultimate goal of the game and I found it a good enough narrative hook for what it was, paced appropriately. Until that is you get to the utterly abrupt ending which just sort of presents the final boss and then gives you an odd addendum sort of explaining what was going on ; very much a game that didnt know how to finish.

Reviewed on Feb 07, 2023
