Videogames might not have the best stories, but as far as I've seen through Alicesoft games, they try to do the most "gettable" stories possible through their characters, gameplay and game spaces. And TTII, along with Kichikuou Rance, are among the best of the best I've seen from them.
Might even be a good starting point for the genre even. There sure are less brutal and simply nicer eroges out there, but as good as this one? Well... maybe. Why not.
But this one is worth it. It's special, at least for me, and has some plot elements that I wouldn't like to put here. One reason is because there's stuff in videogames that are more preferable not to be spoiled beforehand. Second reason is that, due to the nature of those plot elements, I'd say that the feelings behind some of those elements are not easy to say out loud. It's personal stuff, or stuff you'd share with close ones in your environment. After all, due to the state of these games, I think most of their players play them while being alone.

Being alone, or struggling alone is, in fact, one of the core themes of the story, but I'll get into that in a future text.

Reviewed on Jan 10, 2024
