Log Status






Time Played


Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

November 28, 2023

First played

November 20, 2023

Platforms Played


So first up, this is only for the campaign and a war story campaign is really really hard to botch.
As such this is a servicable story , gritty and immersive for the most part , it has the modern COD signature of set piece moments amd fun gunplay.
Unfortunately a WW2 story with a narrow american POV, random unnecessary SJW pandering (WW2 was a misogynistic and racist time, and the way the female and black characters are developed is in fact demeaning in my opinion, hiding away all the shit they had to go through) extreme linearity and hiding the dark and grim details of what actually happened hurts what is supposed to be a historical narrative.
This is a shame becomes the bones of the campaign are there , the potential for a gut wrenching in the trenches war story, but call of duty ww2 can really do nothing right and really really compares poorly to a game like battlefield 1.
Still it is fun to play and can be a mindless do COD missions type of game, nothing you will remember beyond a week though.