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Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 2, 2023

First played

November 25, 2023

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This is a campaign review and by god can a campaign be ruined by a flat central protagonist. Iden versio is one of the blandest most boring protagonists i have ever played as. She has no emotions at all and just ...moves through the plot.
The story itself is alright and playing as meeko or shriv would instantly have made the campaign much more memorable.
The ingredients are all there , the gunplay is crisp and the other characters have a soul and personality. Unfortunately the result is less than the sum of its parts and the protagonist really drags down any semblance of an immersive experience.
If you just wanna burn a few hours on a quick fun star wars based story without paying attention to the story itself then sure give it a try, but beyond that stick to the multiplayer (Unfortunately multiplayer support is apparently ending too).
This just aint it chief.