Tomb Raider. The Lara Croft game. The hottie for the ages. Just not in this game. More like an annoying british child with illogical intuitions, no charisma, whiney af voice and a tendency to die gruesomely due to buggy QTEs :)
Yep thats the game this is . Lara is super super annoying. A badass sexy woman reduced to a whiney dumb creature built like a sexy woman. The supporting cast are no better. There is not a SINGLE character who doesnt come across as annoying. The motives are muddled yet stereotypical.
The story is just as crap, barely coherent yet incredibly predictable. Lara makes stupid decision one after the other bumbling across missions due to here main character plot armor and basically nothing else.
Yeah you can always say there are the bare minimum positives here. The world looks pretty, weapons are satisfying to use, especially the overpowered bow, and the This is a solid 6/10 game overall.

Unfortunately its not much of an experience. Maybe its my nostalgia glasses, but this weakling is not the star from my younger days. This is not quite tomb raider. This is not quite worth it.

Reviewed on Mar 02, 2024
