I'm not even sure what to write anymore.

This game made me feel so many emotions and I have so much to say but none at the same time. I didn't think I would end up here to be honest because I was never a fan of Rockstar and I hate GTA games. I picked this up for 20$ a few months ago and I didn't expect any of it, I just thought it would be an overrated game. Boy, I was wrong.

The start is confusing, sloppy, dragging. I wasn't very much into it. Arthur just seemed like your regular outlaw, nothing much was standing out really. I wasn't into it. Especially with the horrid controls because for some reason, rockstar games don't know how to make normal, easy to handle controls for their games. Then you get to chapter 2 when the fun actually begins because you are free to roam in this vast open world.

It's very beautiful and quite full of life. I would always stop to use the photo mode, or just to enjoy the world and to relax. The sound design made it amazing. Hunting, fishing, random encounters, mini games, just shopping for clothes, riding your horse. Nothing too special but it was quite a comfort and I loved it.

Now back to the story. Was nothing really special but slowly Arthur would grow up on me as he would himself have his own growth through his journey. By the end of it, I was truly in love with his character and I don't think any other character has marked me this way. So when I was done with it. I cried. And I cried. And I cried again. And I felt so many emotions through all of it; anger, sadness, happiness, comfort, laughter, rage, confusion, peace. All of it. And I felt all of it with him. The actors, honestly, what a fantastic job they did because it felt so real to me. So many moments that I just can't get out of my head.

When I got to the epilogue I was left confused, empty. And sure it comforted me a little, knowing how proud he would be if he knew but. It was still bittersweet, so much that I refuse to ever continue on that save. I'm never opening it again. If I want to play, I'll restart.

This game reminded me why I love video games. It brought me on an adventure. Made me feel something. Made me feel less lonely. Made me feel alive for a bit. Made me want to die a bit too, not gonna lie. I've had this recuring headache since I finished chapter 6 because of how much I've cried. Hadn't cried like this since Yakuza 0.

This game changed me forever. I'm not the woman I was before.

Anyway. Dear Arthur, and Zala, my horse, I'll miss you. And I'll see you in a next adventure.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2024
