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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

March 28, 2024

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I bought Alpha Protocol on Steam in 2011 for $2. I attempted to play it in 2016, but it didn't click with me. I only finished the Saudi Arabia section. Now, finally decided to give it another chance (coincidentally, I started the same day the game was relisted on GOG after being unavailable for nearly 5 years).

I am glad I did because this game is pretty good. The dialog mechanic is fantastic and slightly stress inducing. The characters are all compelling. The story is okay. The best part though is how everything matters in this game.

Nearly every decision (active and passive) gets referenced later on and affects relationships. I almost played it again just to make different decisions with a different play style. The conversation and characters are that great. Unfortunately, that would require playing the game again.

The combat (which is the bulk of the gameplay) at the best of times is repetitive. At the worst of times is a broken, buggy mess. Nearly every door requires the same annoying puzzle which makes replaying missions a bigger chore. My suggestion is to play on the easiest difficulty because the combat is not great.

Alpha Protocol reacts to nearly every player decision. The dialog and characters are top notch. The story is intriguing. These are reasons that make it a must play. However, it is held back by buggy, boring combat. I found it worthy of the $2 I spent on it thirteen years ago.