Home is a 2D sidescroller where you wake up in a house which is not your own and discover a dead body. Still a bit shaken, you then try to get home, and along the way, try to figure out what happened.

I'm just going to say it: if you wanna play this game, play Lone Survivor instead. LS was released months before Home and does the same thing Home does, except far, far better. Home is mechanically simple, and while it succeeds in building a creepy atmosphere, the narrative goes nowhere, and all that mood might as well have gone straight into the trash can.

I don't say this lightly: nothing happens over the course of the game. The game makes small suggestions about things having happened before the game starts, and it reacts to your choices somewhat, but never to a point where any of it is memorable or deeper than the average pick-your-own-adventure book.

The fact that the game closes by explicitly asking the player what they think happened and linking to a forum is, to me, the most insulting part. Stories that are successful in building this sort of ambiguity don't need to tell their beholders to speculate, because they'll do it on their own. If you have to ask that question, it's proof that your work is cheap.

As a side note, I don't really see what's beautifully realized about the game's visuals. I think the Steam description is too generous.

Reviewed on May 15, 2022
