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Hard as balls but really well done.

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is a great game. It’s focus was to make a perfect, responsive 8-bit platformer to revive the genre, and they succeeded in doing so.

The game does not take itself seriously, as could be expected. It follows a simple story of the Nerd who get pulled into the TV by his balls, and is now trapped in a video game world. The only way to get out is by completing all the worlds and defeat the end boss. You got seven worlds to complete. Six normal stages that can be played in every order you like, and the final stage that unlocks when you complete the other six.

The Nerd himself was involved in the progress and because of that, many of his arch nemesis’s, companions and references are present in the game. You got Super Mega Death Christ to obliterate everything on the screen, you got the Glitch Gremlin that freezes time, and you collect beers for health power-ups. You fight the Devil, Santa, Jekyll and Hyde, The Giant Claw and ultimately, Fred Fuchs, the hated programmer that the Nerd references in his episodes a lot.

The graphics are solid. They look 8-bit, but are from the modern days. Sprites and effects are colorful, sharp and polished. It just looks right. The animations, walk cycles and spinning objects are also really well done.

The music in this game is glorious. Every stage has its own unique tracks and they all sound great! It consists of 8-bit renditions, with a modern twist. My personal favorites are Assholevania and Future F*ckballs.

In terms of controls, Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures nails it. It is one of its strongest points and they feel just fluent and perfect. No slippery jumps, no shooting in only one direction, no cheap deaths by missing a jump on a tiny platform, it just works.

Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures is filled with vulgar jokes, slurs that the Nerd expresses multiple times in his episodes and all the misspellings and satire that he points out in the show. It is hilarious to see another reference popup on the screen when you die, when you complete a stage or just out of the blue while playing.

When talking difficulty, this game is hard, really hard. It is intentionally made to be this hard to provide players with the same frustration and anger as the Nerd does in his shows. All the stages are doable, they just require a lot of retries and patterns to master. I could complain about the game being too hard, but it is not valid. You just need to git gut.

The game provides you with a decent amount of playtime, especially for the price. The levels are fair in length and offer enough variation. The game can be a little weird if you don’t know the Angry Video Game Nerd but almost everyone who bought this game has some idea of who he is.

In the end, I really liked Angry Video Game Nerd Adventures and would recommend it to everyone.

Reviewed on Jan 04, 2024
