Great game and great marketing from Namco.

I loved Tekken Hybrid. It is a collection of the movie Tekken: Blood Vengeance, a demo for the upcoming game Tekken Tag Tournament 2 and a remastered version of the original Tekken Tag Tournament.

After playing the first Tekken Tag Tournament back in the day, it was stunning to see the new HD graphics and the solid framerate in this version. Animations are much smoother, and the details on the faces and limbs are just great to look at. I am not a big fan of remasters, but in this game, it was actually a nice and refreshing flashback from the past. Of course, when playing the demo for Tekken Tag Tournament 2, the updated visuals of the original game did not live up, but it was still a good experience.

The sound and music effects remain the same as the original Tekken Tag Tournament game with solid punches and the classic anime screams when you whoop the floor with your opponent(s).

The mechanics remain unchanged too, pick one or two fighters and battle it out. You got your one on one battles, Team Battles in which you utilize the tag mechanic and even the unnecessary bowling game called Tekken Bowl.

Tekken Hybrid features all the characters from the original Tag Tournament game and upgraded each of them visually. The new 60 FPS aspects was a real sigh of relief, after being limited to 30 FPS in the older games. The only downside (or maybe an upside, depending how you look at it) is that all the characters are available right from the start, where you needed to unlock them first in the original game.

Although Tekken Tag Tournament and Tag Tournament 2 are non-canon entries in the series, each character has a special ending in the credits when beating the arcade mode. Only Unknown has a full motion video at the end. It shares no bonds with the original series.

The fact that there is a full movie on this disc, while also being able to play a game was a unique concept back then. Tekken Hybrid is nothing more than a dump disc with a bunch of stuff packed into it, but the artwork on the cover, and the excellent hype for an even better Tekken Tag Tournament game worked really well with this product.

The movie remained fun, and I could watch it anytime again. The only problem is that Blue Ray discs and disc players are fading into obscurity these days, and except on my old PlayStation 3, there is no way to watch it via other sources.

The marketing aspect that was slipped into this game was more effective back then than I would have expected. In theory, it is just a tease so you need/want to buy their newest game Tekken Tag Tournament 2, but the amount of content and gameplay I got from the demo of the game was exactly enough to convince me. It was some sort of formula between curiosity and joy with the demo that made me actually buy Tag Tournament 2. Sure, the character roster was very limited, but they teased you with more characters to discover when the game came out and I was really hyped for it.

In the end, I loved Tekken Hybrid (or should I say: upgraded Tekken Tag Tournament with some extra’s). The fresh look of the original game, the nice and playable demo and a movie that will always remain fun to watch (for me at least). For its price back then, I would surely recommend it.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2024
