Shit writing. Like, actually ass. Apparently I'm "manipulative" for:
- telling one character I didn't drink (a "I only drink occasionally" option was NOT available in the conversation with them) and telling another that, sure enough, I only drink occasionally - why was that not an option in the other convo???? But it was in this one??? Wha.... why?????
- giving my honest opinions about the music the characters sent me, and basically just having diverse music tastes... I guess???
- telling one character that I could see myself MAYBE wanting to settle down and start a family one day way in the future, E V E N T U A L L Y, and telling another that I don't see myself settling down IMMEDIATELY RIGHT after college (I personally don't see how these two things necessarily contradict each other, since most ppl at least within my own age group wouldn't want to start a family RIGHT after secondary education let alone tertiary, but that usually means something along the lines of "i wanna see what life throws at me. if i do settle down, it'll be when I am good and ready" rather than a hard "never". but go off sis)

If I wanted to get yelled at, gaslit and accused of being "manipulative" for things that make zero logical sense to a sane person, I could just hit up my ex that I haven't spoken to in two years. I don't need to be lectured by pixels that wouldn't know what the concept of nuance or competent writing was if it hit them over the head with a brick.

Reviewed on Jul 03, 2023
