From a time where platformers reigned supreme, the level of quality found in Sonic 3 alone surpasses almost everything from back then. Sonic 3 & Knuckles is somehow one of the best 2D platformers I have ever played. The levels are these massive open playgrounds to explore, and yet the level design and control makes it so there's never down time, or a dull moment. It's ALL fast. It ALWAYS beckons for you to enhance your skill. It's amazing just how nonstop fun this game manages to be. Even the special stages are great!
The themes are all so diverse, and the visuals to represent them are perfect. Seeing the evolution of implementation of prerendered 3D graphics is almost as impressive as seeing the level design evolve. And the OST is GODLIKE. Hydrocity? Ice Cap?? Flying Battery??? OMG IT'S ALL SO GOOD!!!
The game is even able to implement story and world building in a great way. If anything it only enhances the experience and doesn't get in the way at all. Like if this were released today, I'm sure there'd be some stupid quippy dialogue between Sonic and Knuckles at the beginning of the game. But as the opening is here, it's perfect! Knuckles just knocks Sonic out of the air and steals all the emeralds. It's like the game is saying "what more context do you need?? Just go play the game already!"
In fact, that's what I should've just said here. Why are you wasting your time reading a review on Sonic 3? Just go play it! It's one of the best games of the 16 bit era, and is sure to not disappoint. Hell, I'm itching to get back in the game myself and replay it all over again lol

Reviewed on Sep 15, 2023
