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Days in Journal

1 day

Last played

August 10, 2023

Platforms Played


I'm most definitely cheating here since I only played most of the game sans the final area, lost all of my progress in a way that wasn't my fault, and then had no choice but to watch the rest of the game on YouTube, but oh well. Regardless, even tho I do still have some minor flaws with Dream Team (the game is a bit too tutorial heavy, the gyro controls are obnoxious, and the adventure is a bit too long for my liking) this is still probably my favorite Mario & Luigi game. I absolutely adore the aesthetic of this one. Going inside the dreams of others is one of my favorite concepts in all of media, and they knocked it out of the park with making everything feel as trippy and dreamlike as possible. This game has my favorite soundtrack, my favorite boss roster, my favorite new gimmick, and even gives some CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT IN A MARIO GAME????? WOW. Mario & Luigi Dream Team really is a dream come true. Haha! Kill me!!