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After playing countless times the original game, this one is a nice change of pace and there were moments that I genuinely got stucked, some fairly but others due to bullshit programming, for example, in Forest Temple where there are those rotating pillars in which you have to shoot a freezed eye with a torch at the center, you have to but a block at the switch in the center so the ice block blocking the door disappears, but for some reason when you activate the switch it takes some seconds before the ice block disappears, there is no sound cue or camera movement that indicates that, I have activated the switch and thought nothing happened but due to the weird way programmers made this layout, you have to wait a feel seconds for the ice block to disappear.
In general, the way the changes are made feels very "hack rom", there are no new rooms or structures, everything is only made with generic objects, this makes it difficult for level designers to create more unique puzzles.

While I know that the idea was to just shape up the dungeons, I can't help but think how much of a missed opportunity it was that the rest of the game wasn't changed, no new side-quests, no new heart-piece locations, no new areas or structures, just dungeon's object layout.
I'll give praise that at least in 3DS the game is mirrored and you receive double damage.

To think that this was the project that Shigeru Miyamoto wanted to prioritize to for the N64 instead of what would become Majora's Mask, I'm so glad that Eiji Aonuma chose to create a whole new game instead. For those who don't know, this Master Quest is the so-called "Ura" (that's the Japanese title) that was supposed to be an expansion to Ocarina for the 64DD, I heard somewhere that they had this project already finished by August 2000, but they didn't know how to properly release it, that's when it was decided to come bundled with Wind Waker.