I wasn’t convinced I was going to see this game through at first, but despite a tepid first impression this game got its hooks in me. Outside of The Last Jedi and Galaxy’s Edge, this is probably the only other worthwhile Star Wars project Disney has produced since taking over the property.

This is as close as I’ll ever get to playing a Dark Souls game, I think. Difficult, but fair and rewarding and propped up with story and characters that I (eventually) grew really fond of. Despite being rushed to its conclusion, I had a blast with the ending.

That being said, I didn’t come close to 100% this game. That’s all on its shoddy performance, texture pop-in, and bugs, which have not been corrected in the year (?) since it’s been released. This game shouldn’t have released in this state, much less remained this way. As it stands, the game is like a beautiful figurine made with fragile parts and brittle plastic - it looks great, but the moment you start playing with it you can’t help but feel it’s one bad move away from breaking into a million tiny pieces.

Reviewed on Jan 09, 2021
