This is probably one of my most replayed games of all time. I love the world. The music. The feel. All those tiny little details that go by in a fraction of a second. The developers truly made something special with this and basically no other 2d platformer reaches the same quality as this one.

This doesn't mean that this game is perfect. Firstly my biggest criticism are the boss fights, which are just all right. They're not bad but the boss fights feel kinda bland and forgettable and they are often times the reason I stop playing. In Donkey Kong Country Returns they somehow felt a bit cooler for me. Maybe because they were more connected to the overarching narrative. Or Maybe because they felt a bit more diverse.

Another criticism I have is that Dixie Kong is way better than Diddy or Cranky. There literally is no single reason to choose anyone other than Dixie unless you want to diversify your playing experience.

To summarize I just want everyone to play this game and realize they slept on the best platformer from atleast the last 10 years. The team of Retro Studios created some of the most incredible environments, platforming and audio and made some of the most beautiful scenes in all of gaming.

Reviewed on May 13, 2024
