I got these games for dirt cheap back in July but I decided to leave them for October since they are spooky stuff apparently. I've beaten all of them by the time I'm writing this review so I have knowledge about how future collections play out and that sort of changed my opinion a bit on this one.

The theme here, "Playable Teaser", gives too much freedom of design and you end up with a collection of games that feel really disconected from each other in every way. There's a couple gems here, but I'd say it's 50/50 in quality. The launcher itself is serviceable enough, but it isn't a game on itself like future entries would be.

10. Rotgut

I was torn between this and Carthanc for which one gets last place and I think this one is worse. I enjoy games about just vibing with the enviroment and atmosphere, but this one has absolutely nothing on for it. The moment you get into the tunnel and when you find "Rotgut" are sort of iconic, but what you see afterwards just isn't. Didn't feel tense or oppressed by the dark sewers, just confused by what the game wanted me to do. I just closed it and later turned out you had to die in the tunnel somehow?? Idk, messy stuff.

9. Carthanc

The premise alone should make it the coolest thing ever to me, but it kind of falls flat. Visuals are cool but gameplay is a pain the ass, not even hard, just way too caothic and unenjoyable, doesn't let you appreciate the level design and finishes abruptly. I like how unnerving the enemies are but their speed and screeching get annoying after a while and don't even get me started on that last room full of traps. Cool concept, would've liked to see it taken more slowly.

8. The Pay is Nice

The generic assets make it a lot more unserious to me than it should and I just couldn't find much enjoyment overall, kinda just phased through it. Don't have much to say about it, it just happens, starts and ends quickly. Can't even call it bad, just don't care about it.

7. Don't Go Out

The devs' note for this one made me appreciate it a lot more, but actually playing it is a completely different story. There's only 1 viable strategy and that sort of defeats the purpose of... everything I think. There's many ways to make you feel vulnerable, especially with the mechanics they chose, idk why they decided to design it like this.

6. Outsiders

This is where things get a bit better. The ending for this one is cool and the overall progression is well thought but it's also way too annoying to play, way too cryptic and I didn't have the energy to invest so much on it without a guide lol. I really like the concept tho so no wonder they expanded it into a full game.

5. Mr. Bucket Told Me To

Devs' note adds a gloomy shadow over the whole game. It gets annoying sometimes but the way it plays out is borderline sad rather than scary. It's funny too, first one I'd say I actually enjoyed.

4. Summer Night

This one plays out like the average creepypasta, but I feel like reading the dev's note is essential to get where it's going. I was just enjoying my time with it but then the ending hit and took a good scare out of me. Cool stuff.

3. Shatter

Setting and visuals are top notch, would love a full game out of this one (studio ended up making Dread Delusion which looks similar wnough but the setting here is just too cool). There's some badass concepts in the story and the funky visuals add to how the plot develops, but moving that to the side it's just a really enjoyable short game.

2. Hand of Doom

This one's just cool alright. The main mechanics, the visuals, everything works out really well for what it is, no wonder it got a full release.

1. The Pony Factory

This might be my favorite Szymanski game lmao. The enemy designs, backstory and placement are enough to keep you uncomfortable all the way through, the use of black and white and how shadows are placed is amazing, and the fact that you have to choose between seeing your enemies and attacking them keeps you on edge during the whole first half. Second half is less scary, but there's a sense of urgency by knowing that there are more dangerous enemies than before, and the splashes of color keep things fresh on the visual side. Absolutely amazing, indisputable favorite here.

Overall it's a mixed bag, my opinion was more positive before playing the next collections and seeing how they played out. Here, the difference in quality is just way too noticeable and that kind of detracts from it. Still a nice collection, don't regret buying it.

Reviewed on Oct 31, 2023
