I feel like there's something I'm doing wrong here because everyone seems to love this game but it just felt really clunky to me. Granted I played for an hour and that's it, but I just couldn't get the hang of it and I wasn't having fun at all.
You have various movement options but you can't really cancel at all. You can slide, dive, double jump, wall-run, etc, which sounds great, but when you can't cancel your dive or slide chaining your movement becomes incredibly difficult. That plus the cramped level design which benefits a more "normal" shooter than this doesn't really let you take advantage of what you can do. I never felt comfortable using any of the movement options and I just sticked to diving because I thought it was the most reliable overall.
Then there's the movement speed. Look, I like fast paced games, but when your movement is so fast and your camera is constantly changing places due to diving or sliding it really becomes a pain to shoot someone in the head, especially when they have sentry-level aim and can just take you out in a couple of hits. The game encourages you to do stunts to dodge the bullets, but when those stunts feel awkward anyway there's not much to do really.
And then there's the visuals, which are just confusing. There's a lot of color between the plain white of the wall and it becomes hard to notice where the enemies or the objectives are, especially when everything is happening so fast.
Slow-mo is the only way I found to actually have good movement and kill people but just using it until it drains out is boring af.
I know you can change the difficulty, your movement speed, the slow-mo meter, etc (seriously the game has like +20 gameplay options) but honestly if I have to make 20 changes to the gameplay to actually start enjoying it then I'd rather not get into it at all

Reviewed on Nov 27, 2022
