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Finished my replay of TR2013, back in the day when I 1st played it in 2013-14 I was like what a phenomenal reboot, this here they got something special, and I can’t wait for what they do in sequels, but the sequels were pretty disappointing to me as they dragged Lara origin story but that’s a story for another day.

But as far this replay goes I have to let the negative out of the way 1st , the Writing and the voice acting was pretty shit at the 1st 2-3 hours of this game, and story was retread of FC3 u trapped on the island and stuff, but it later own redeem itself with those tape recording filling in the gaps and relationships of the characters and the amount of stuff lara have to go through and endure, I think that about it as far as negative goes.

But Got damn these VISUALS and GAMEPLAY and wide open seamless LEVELS still holds up to this day, this game practically make bow weapon and wide open level design (which is linear but make in such a way that it is interconnected through out and feel like ow) in video game popular. Gunplay responsive enough but had to say it had the worst rifle in any video game tho lol but stealthing around is fun af and head shotting enemies with bow never gets old, the Platforming is also pretty great imo better then Uncharted as there is some risk involve here and it is integrated into setpieces in such way that it feel exillerating, exploration is also great fun with worth while upgrade system for ur weapons and stuff.

The setpieces are also pretty great.

The movement can sometimes be sluggish during slow walks sections but that’s nitpick ig.

Overall this game was amazing back then and is still holds up pretty dang great. idk I feel like this game could've been easy 8 or 9, but the amount of fun I have I think I gotta go with a solid 9/10.