This game is a flawed masterpiece, but when i say flawed, i mean really really flawed, janky controls, weird game design (bouncing between being completely cryptic and being completely idiotic), bugs, specially with guard detection, etc. The only thing preventing this game from being unplayable sometimes is the fact that the pc version has quicksaves.

Now to the good part, the atmosphere of this game is insane, and so are the options of how you can solve the game's challenges, several very interesting espionage weaponry and tools, but it doesn't help when the game design is commonly flawed, like when they force you into an action scene in a damn stealth game. But now that i'm writing that, i don't remember feeling the same way while playing metal gear, i guess it's because in this game, the weapons are designed to be used in stealth, so they are garbage in action moments, what creates a frustration that didn't come while playing other similar games.

Well, i guess the fact that i even finished the game means it was a worthwhile game, even if very frustrating sometimes.

Reviewed on Dec 03, 2023
