See I was going to write a piece about how my girlfriend gifted me this game (as with the previous two games,) how much time in her visit has been spent on this franchise, and how laughter brings us all together as humans, but I am so shocked to find an actual game here that I feel like I can't anymore.

Like, really, the Euphoric Brothers have actually made a game here. The first GoB was a quick grab for attention that worked probably way better than they were hoping for, the second game was capitalizing on the attention they got and miserably milking it, but this game has actually had some time in the oven. There's developments in the story that are actually okay this time. There's gameplay—and not just one bout of it—beyond walking and simple puzzles. Puzzles aplenty, sure, but I enjoyed some of them. Hell, there isn't even too much padding. Several steps forward were taken, and that much is worth credit. of course it's not a good game. The re-use of the Cannon Game is shameful and the part that was honestly fun for me last time was substituted with aiming. The boss fight (yeah, actually) just isn't well-made, though you can at least learn fairly easily. Having to spend like 3 minutes re-equipping the kabob guy every time you die is annoying, and on that note, my god are the pancreas jokes excruciating. Heehee, weehoo, memes, get it you guys it's like the original. It's crazy to say that it "takes me out of it" because it's Garten of Banban but it took an almost-tolerable experience and shat on it. It both takes itself seriously and turns itself into a meme, and it doesn't do either thing well.

But at the very least, they're learning a thing or two. I think the plot and writing are beyond saving at this point, but I am legitimately curious as to where the next game will go. I cannot fucking believe I am curious about where Garten of Banban is headed now. Something is deeply wrong with me. I blame Lena.

Reviewed on Jun 26, 2023
