It's a pretty solid metroidvania that's very reminiscent of Nifflas' early work like Within a Deep Forest, but doing the post-game (which is actually like 80% of gameplay) feels like the video game equivalent of playing ping pong with a boomerang.
There was a certain point in the egg hunt portion of the game where my brain was constantly replaying that Far Cry 3 Vaas quote - you know the one - on repeat, as I traversed the same fuckass dog and bear sections of the map for the billionth time, trying to see if I didn't miss some three pixels of diggable dirt.

It's a weird balance of a game that's way too short and a post-game that's way too long for its own good. You might say: "well, that's the point", and in that case, guess I'm just not the biggest fan of the idea. A big part of the game is "unpeeling the layers" or whatever, but every time I did that, it mostly just meant that I had to go through the entire map again.

That being said, I absolutely adore the art and sound design and the overall creepy atmosphere of everything. The items are a lot of fun to play with - especially the bubble wand. Really brave of a metroidvania to basically give you a free "fuck it - skip everything, break every puzzle, I dare you"-kind of item that's so easy to exploit, so early into the game.

Reviewed on May 17, 2024
