a beautiful experience. I'm honestly floored by the love and care put into this remake. it's unreal. my expectations were honestly not all too high. I know they put more stuff online before the game released, but I refused to look at anything. so all I saw was the announcement, and like, one screenshot at some point. I didn't really know what to expect! I love this game, but the SMRPG remake, while not comparable, did have me set lower expectations for this. now I wish SMRPG could have gotten updated text!

this took me a bit longer to finish than I wanted it to because my stubborn ass decided I had to complete the pit of 100 trials before finishing the game. this took me 3 attempts. but I did it! and I just finished the game. I know there's postgame stuff... I will get to that later. it can wait. I know a second pit completion's on the list of stuff to do.
any complaints I have are minor, and largely only in relation to how the game looks and some of the music. again with the real instrument stuff! I mean, yes, it works sometimes! but I'm still overall not a fan! however, most of the brand new tracks are fantastic. the implementation of a way to listen to the original music is lovely to have, but I wish you could mix and match. I realize that'd be super extensive, but still... really wish that was a thing that could be done. I do appreciate the amount of effort in things like the variations of certain tracks... it's very extensive!
I'm not a fan of the glossy and reflective floors/ground in the game, it doesn't look right in most areas. like, it's a bit much. and while I knew this game was going to look more... Papery... I do miss the low poly look of certain things a lot. like the bushes in Poshley Heights, and the chairs in Flurrie's home. etc.
the single gameplay complaint I have is that the game is a bit... Slow. this is in many ways, but most importantly, when you're selecting things. like, there's a weird delay before you can actually do it? also, I'm disappointed you cannot fast scroll text unless re-reading it.

Reviewed on Jun 02, 2024
