young me back in 2007 really liked this game and had a massive phase with it. I was obsessed with Count Bleck in the most cringy way. a chunk of that definitely still exists in the depths of the internet.
anyway, while I haven't been able to play this game for myself in years... I remember that the last time I tried to, I ended up dropping it. so uh, I think that in and of itself is enough to say: I don't like it much anymore. while I haven't been able to play it in so long, I've relived the game 3 times through different people on YouTube. that's a lot more fun, because I'm not the one playing.
while I did once really like this game, I do know the gameplay was never my favorite thing.
it's funny, because thinking back, I am not sure why Past Me liked this game so much. while I've got those rose-tinted goggles on for lots of old favorite games... not so much for this one.
a lot of people say the story is good, or even great. I say it's really not that great and is outright pretty cringeworthy at its core. this is definitely partially because over time, I discovered I'm aromantic and despise sappy love story bullshit. and that's what the story of this game is at its core. sappy love story bullshit. bleh. though I do recall not really liking it way back when too. I was like, sort of captivated, but didn't really like it.
overall it's an ok game that I can't see myself ever replaying. happy to watch others play it tho.

Reviewed on Feb 09, 2023
