It's OK.
playing this game made me realize I fucking hate the gameplay of Platinum's games. I really, really hate it. but that's on me. and not something I was going to realize until I played a Platinum game. but I liked Bayonetta a LOT as a character for years. honestly I was obsessed. and so, I felt obligated to play her games. still gotta finish 2, uhhhhhhhh, someday. >_> due to all I know about 3, and due to my dislike of the gameplay of these games, I doubt I'll play that one on my own. who knows. maybe the fucked up sense of obligation I have will make me play it.
unfortunately, I don't really care for most of the other characters. there's also such a small notable cast, which is kind of a downside here. a few more characters probably would have helped make things more interesting. while not comparable for the most part, The Wonderful 101 has a sizeable cast full of mostly likable characters, and they really helped make the game enjoyable as a whole. so Bayonetta severely suffers in that department.
I don't like Jeanne, and I know that's largely a controversial or hot take. but I don't. imo, she makes the worst first impression and never gave me a reason to like her. I've really never understood why anyone likes her. maybe I'm just fucked up and insane, who knows. Rodin is great, though his role means he's... not much of a character in the grand scheme of things. still, I adore him. Enzo is a funny asshole, Luka is the second worst, and Balder just sort of exists, idk. considering that my memory of him at this time is pretty poor, he definitely didn't do anything memorable, soooooooo... yep.
aaaaaaaand the story is uninteresting and convoluted. so, then... what real good is there? not much. the game looks good. the music was fine, though largely not notable.
I don't know how to give this a proper end, so I'll end it by saying that. :^)

Reviewed on Feb 10, 2023
