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If I had to describe this game with one word it would be: safe.

Far Cry New Dawn reverts back to the Far Cry 3 open world style including its narrative structure. The loot system isn't like most people say it is, its just the same combat system but with a different progression system and more punishment for not calculating against armor. If anything the progression system is like Primal's, which tasked you with gathering mats from dangerous locations to get the best stuff you need. Not much else to talk about other than the new expeditions, which are from the ground up stealth/combat arenas where the rarest loot is found. Again: very safe.

The story itself is a non-cannon interpretation of what life would be like during the aftershock of the apocalypse. A new faction clad in red (of course) takes over a nuclear-de-winterized Hope County, and it is up to the remnants of the old world to take it back. It is a pulpy take on the post-apocalypse genre, the residents act like how a figurative "Mad Max but 2019" film would go. The returning side characters are now better than ever because they are handled much better in the narrative, such as actually having to rely on them for help and seeing how deep their interpersonal bonds go. Now the villains are the biggest problem with the story. Mickey and Lou, while dastardly and annoying in their own right, suffer the same exact problems as the old Seed Family (get ready to hear "power" "weak" and "daddy" every other sentence). The other one, Ethan Seed, is just a whiny prick, probably the worst villain in the series so far bar none. Again it plays itself very safe and disconnected from the previous games snob-nosed writing.

I guess all I can say is that it was alright, not the worst one but certainly not near the best (or even the middle of the pack). The one merit it does have is that it is the Far Cry game where you just straight up feel the most powerful, If you want to power trip in Far Cry, this is the game for you. Otherwise eh.