...it's not that bad.

I mean, should it be called "Sonic 4"? Absolutely not - but I also don't think that's what Dimps was going for with this one. Story goes that Dimps was doin' their thing, making portable Sonic spinoffs, and they decided they wanted to do a new episodic release for mobile phones. "Cool," thought SEGA. "Perfect. We'll call it 'Sonic the Hedgehog 4'. Let's get Sonic 4 on every platform..." And then SEGA learned that names held a power, and the honestly-pretty-rock-solid Dimps got saddled with a sucky reputation forever and ever.

Okay, I don't know that that's exactly how it happened. But I do think folks are unfair to Dimps on this one! Dudes proved themselves over and over again on GBA and DS. Everyone loves Sonic Rush! The conversions for Unleashed and Colors are... acceptable for what they are! Surely they don't deserve a reputation as dastards what ruined Sonic!

I know people have their reservations with the physics and how Sonic controls and such. Honestly? Yeah, it's not Sonic 3, but it's perfectly serviceable. Never bugged me over-much. I take way more issue with how washed out the colors and character models look. Frankly, for years, I assumed that's what the usual objection was. The physics? Maybe it's an issue in the mobile build, but on PC, it's fine.

The game runs pretty short at only 4 full Zones (back to 3 Acts per Zone, though). This is definitely meant to be offset by the game's episodic nature, so like whatever. I definitely think they wedged in all the most generic Sonic Biomes into the first game though. Splash Hill, Casino Street, and Mad Gear all feel like they're obligatory inclusions; Lost Labyrinth is just straight-up Sonic 1's Labyrinth; and E.G.G. Station is Death Egg. I'm not turned off by all these throwbacks, but they're not exciting either. I guess they were just getting the expected environments out of the way in time for the next episode.

Also, the bonus rounds are based on Sonic 1's trippy bonus rounds............. hokay.

I think the worst thing I can call Sonic 4 Episode 1 is "generic". It's not "good", and maybe it even is "bad". But Sonic's been aggressively terrible before, and this isn't that. Would I ever revisit this? Nah, no way (except the time I had to revisit it, but we'll get there). But it was fine as a one-and-done playthrough, which was enough for me.

To close on a metaphor - one of the very few complaints I can level towards Sonic Generations is at the very end. You go in for the final attack on the final boss, you get that sweet riff from "Live and Learn"... and then the invincibility theme from Sonic 4 kicks down the door and starts hip-thrusting in your atrium. I believe this and Splash Hill's theme as an unlockable track are the only times Sonic 4 is referenced in Generations. I get what Sonic Team was going for here - Sonic 4 was the other-newest title in the series and (since the game was as-of-then incomplete) still represented what was to come, so the moment is meant to both invoke past and future. Only the team bet on the wrong horse, and the whole thing feels less like a triumphant reach forward and more like it tripped over the finish line. This, broadly, defines my take on the first leg of Sonic 4.

Reviewed on Jun 28, 2024
