Given the choice between Konami and Capcom arcade brawlers, I will almost always take Capcom. I'm not good at either, but Capcom beat-'em ups have a lot more complexity to them, while Konami beat-'em ups tend to be fairly straightforward and basic with little mechanical experimentation.

The original TMNT Arcade is the poster child of that for me - just a very standard belt-scrolling beat-'em up where there isn't much to do but use the same two or three attacks on similar enemies across multiple levels. Maybe I'd get more out of this if I had any attachment to TMNT or if I'd played with friends; I do not and I did not. All that left me was endless Foot Clan guys and cheap bosses (giving the final boss an honest-to-goodness insta-kill is dastardly).

Reviewed on Apr 21, 2023
