i'm sorry this game fucking sucked and also it is fucking unwatchable. the photosensitive mode doesnt work and just changes the lights to a different kind of seizure inducing shitfest. its fakedeep and fucks its own dick philosophically every chance it gets. the gameplay is fun but it quite literally punishes you halfway through the game for using an introduced mechanic that deepens the gameplay loop. its almost the exact opposite of undertale in that regard, where attempting to "spare" the enemies (you know, because all quirky rpgs have to have sparing mechanics/genocide routes now) actually makes the gameplay more grating on both the eyes and hands rather than being stylistically and narratively interesting and fun to engage with. This game mistakes difficulty from skill curves with difficulty from just fucking making the screen hurt to look at. there is a story buried in here, but it's not worth digging for.

Reviewed on Jan 18, 2024
