Oh man, what a bad game, the gameplay is pure junk, the worst combination between Ridge Racer and Gran Turismo, the lore is pretty lame,the only good thing in this game is the waifus Rena Hayami and Gina Cavalli

One of best games I have ever played
The story is great, the themes explored are very interesting
The characters are awesome, A2 SUPREMACY FOREVER
The multiple gameplay is simple, and some grinding methods make the game very easy to beat, but at least the gameplay connects very well with the story
I'll love this game forever! <3

Gameplay maravilhosa e estilosa
Protagonista gasosa e incrível
Enredo que se desenvolve muito bem
Casting de personagens 10/10
Jogo GOTY, nem preciso dizer mais nada

What a great game!
Seriously, the gameplay is awesome, the story is fantastic, the characters are good
I really love this game since childhood, for those who like war story games, it's very interesting!