the pinnacle of RGG writing. even better than everyone says. a series that started as a simple crime drama about fate and parenthood is now tackling topics like bullying, vengeance, and justice in such a tasteful manner that i can't help but be so proud of what it has become.

honestly where do i even start, nearly every single plotpoint and major character in this game feels like RGG learning every lesson from their past mistakes in their catalogue. this has their best main antagonist thus far, their best protagonist/antagonist dynamic thus far, their best gameplay thus far, their best boss fights thus far, THEIR BEST FINAL BOSS FIGHT THUS FAR. i can honestly just go on and on but i'll just conclude this by saying this is absolutely RGG's best work and i'm even more excited for the future of this series now, or maybe this spin-off as well if we're lucky.

also i just wanted to mention that it's been EEXACTLY a year since i started my first game in this series, yakuza 1. this wasn't even intentional i'm losing my mind.

Reviewed on Aug 30, 2023
