Yakuza 2 2006

Log Status






Time Played

20h 0m

Days in Journal

2 days

Last played

December 8, 2023

First played

December 5, 2023

Platforms Played


This review contains spoilers

The fact this was made in the span of a year and came out as one of the greatest sequels I've ever played is incredible. Yakuza 2 is truly the perfect continuation, improving everything from the first and so much more.

No longer is the gameplay a stiff mess, with Kiryu controlling like butter and allowing for a much better flow with an expanded moveset to boot (also heat isnt useless). Navigating Kamurocho and Sotenbori feels so much better due to a more zoomed in camera and less frequent enemy encounters (or none at all if you're good enough). Substories have also seen somewhat of a retooling, with many of the franchises zanier elements showing here, with the baby quest in particular being an obvious highlight (though the more somber ones do seep in from time to time). The most notable tone change would go to the story, which explores territory much darker compared to the originals more personal story. Things like the Jingweon Mafias utter contempt for everyone besides themselves and the dilapidated state of the Tojo Clan make the situation feel truly desperate with Kiryu having much less allies compared to 1. On the subject of Kiryu, most of his traits get thoroughly examined and put through the wringer, testing just how much he's willing to go through for the ones he loves. Adding to this turmoil is new supporting characters Kaoru Sayama and ESPECIALLY the new villain Ryuji Goda, The Dragon Of Kansai. Both offer an interesting perspective that was not seen in the original, with Kaoru being a by the books cop that ends up falling for Kiryu, and Ryuji being a twisted version of Kiryu that strives to be top dog, no matter what (or who) gets in his way. These more complex situations and characters adds a level of depth that still remains a high for the franchise 17 years later, with only Yakuza 6 and the Judgment spinoffs coming close. On the other hand series staples like Goro Majima also have time in the spotlight, with him stealing every scene and making for some of the most memorable moments in the franchise (the bomb defusal scene is so fucking funny).

Negatives still exist but they're more personal annoyances rather than big problems. I still don't like the XP system but at the same time it does feel less grindy compared to the original. Substories are a bit more finnicky this time around with some very obnoxious triggers (you can still fail them but its less punishing this time around). Possibly the most annoying issue would be that of the inventory, with some changes like the revamped equipment system being welcomed, while things like the lack of more slots make things feel really annoying and requiring lots of micromanaging to stay at optimal shape.

While at the end of the day with Yakuza 1 I could suggest both versions of it I can't say the same for this. 2 is an absolutely phenomenal game and one of the best in the franchise which got done INCREDIBLY dirty by Kiwami 2. You're still getting a great story out of it but so much is just stripped from it that I can't recommend the original enough.
