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While it doesn't all flow together well, Inscryption is still a pretty fantastic time that I'd recommend to anyone who wants an atmospheric adventure this season. Go in with as little knowledge as you can because the surprise of what comes makes the experience even better.



Because of Inscryptions use of distinct acts with unique gameplay/feel, I thought it was only fair to discuss each act in detail.

Act 1 was the best overall and a phenomenal way to start the game. While the card mechanics can be a bit confusing and the need to lose to progress a bit off-putting, the fantastic atmosphere and bread crumbs to the overall mystery make it a joy to go through and explore the cabin. Also adored Leshy as the host, being a complete asshole who still manages to be an entertaining host who genuinely loves lore and adding intrigue.

Act 2 is....not really good in comparison. While I respect the twist of changing things dramatically and love how it looks still (great music too) the actual gameplay feels like an utter chore and rough experience to relearn. Really wish a tutorial existed like the other acts because having to learn the intricacies of FOUR resources while being a more traditional TCG instead of a rogue-lite muddles it all. Also around this time is when I really started to not care for the ARG-ish elements of the game, with the mystery started from the first act just not really being a focus and instead has very few appearances in this act. That being said the way the previous friends/enemies are reintroduced in the TCG style is cool and the way this act ends is one of the best moments, with P-03s stealing of the GM role being something I genuinely did not expect.

Act 3 goes back to basics and for that I enjoyed it. P03 is even more of an asshole compared to Leshy and just does not care for anything lore related, which makes this section the most gameplay focused. Not a bad thing at all because I loved the five lane setup and felt the energy system made the overall pace move much faster compared to the others. The bosses in particular are all absolutely wonderful and do some pretty nifty reality shattering mechanics that made each fight a treat. Only big issue I'd say is just how easy this act is, with the more streamlined mechanics and passive abilities making the act a curb stomp. The ARG elements also make a return and feel much more fleshed out compared to the previous acts, with the secrets of Inscryption being genuinely interesting and leading to one of the best finales I've seen in a while, with the destruction of the game and final encounters with the hosts being pretty emotional and unique.

Reviewed on Oct 19, 2023
