While a bit better than Bloodmoon, Tribunal is still a pretty weak way to finish off Morrowinds story with an uninteresting area and some truly tedious combat. A bit of a shame because the start isn't too bad with Mournhold being introduced as one of the more grandiose areas, with everything being so much more lush and pretty compared to the dull and drab Vvardenfell. Also will say I didn't mind the more dungeon crawl aspect of the expansion because while it is long and sprawling, I also didn't find the enemy encounters NEARLY as annoying as those in Bloodmoon (they also don't spawn dozens of mobs). Instead Tribunal really punishes Mage builds with just how reflect heavy a ton of the enemies are, with the spear I gained from Bloodmoon being essentially worthless requiring the other spears (and bow on occasion) to finish. Another sad note is how boring the Main Quest is, with the Almalexia twist being seen from a mile away and not a lot of interesting areas besides the phenomenal final dungeon. Didn't hate my time with this one nearly as much as Bloodmoon but it doesn't even come CLOSE to capturing what made Morrowind so special.


Reviewed on Jan 11, 2024
