Absolutely one of my favorites (MAYBE my favorite) of the Yakuza franchise. As someone who's not been too warm on the Dragon Engine games (I still like Kiwami 2 but 6 is an odd one) it's so satisfying to say how AMAZING everything feels. Combat is fast and fluid, the world and is gorgeous and the interactivity is handled incredibly well and the entire flow is nice. Some of the best substories in the entire series come from just being in Kamurocho and Yagami is absolutely in my top 3 protags he's such a fantastic character who interacts with the characters around him so well. Storywise is also pretty good with the more murder mystery structure leading to lots of great twists and turns with several memorable side characters (KAITO GOAT). Also while I don't really comment on it so many of the cut scenes have really nice cinematic flair to them that definitely heightens the experience.
Games obviously not perfect but I did not mind much of the focusing/tailing/lockpicking as I felt they were pretty simple overall and did not detract much from the experience. Friendships are a bit hit or miss but I absolutely LOVE how it feeds into the world interacting with Yagami and how this can change combat/traversing the world. But the only real BIG issue I have is how the graphics on PS5 are an overall downgrade from the original, making some incredible shots absolutely worse in the remaster (60 fps is solid though).

Despite these I'd still rank Judgment high up because of how much it really shows the power of scaling things back and focusing on one protag and one city can make the best of a game


Reviewed on Jan 07, 2022
