MagnificentMrMads Halloween Marathon #7

As someone who absolutely loves Village (it's in my top 5 for the series) I was definitely excited for the Winters expansion but came out a bit underwhelmed. The actual Rose expansion is just a retread of the original (without the incredible factory bit) that explores Rose who is just a whatever character with the most predictable arc I've seen in a while. Has some cool bits but just play the original.
What really was good is the new mercs content. Can't really say I like this new mercs layout (the areas and predetermined enemies kinda suck) but the new characters are a ton of fun and the finale bit in the new levels is so fucking cathartic and a blast!

I'd reccomend the Winters Expansion but definitely not for full price. 10 bucks max I'd say for a middling expansion and fun stuff in mercs (third person mode is neat too)


Reviewed on Oct 28, 2022
