What an odd remake of a beloved game.

MegaMan Maverick Hunter X isn't a bad game per se (it's based off one of the greatest platformers of all time even though I like X2 more) but so much of its design and changes feel odd. First things first is I think Powered-Ups decision to make its graphics more stylized helped with making it feel like a new game compared to the original MM, meanwhile MHX getting a more generic style definitely hurts it in the long run. Also gotta say the changes they made to certain power up spots is stupid and makes progression needlessy complex as compared to the original. Gameplay wise its nearly the same although the PSPs screen definitely makes it feel like the enemy spawns are much more dickish compared to the original. One outwardly positive I'll say is the new dialogue and music are both absolutely wonderful additions, especially the end tunes they rock. Like I said before MHX isn't bad but just go with the original if you want to experience MMX.

On a side note I did play a bit of Vile and honestly was so fucking frustrated with it I quit halfway through. Real shame because I absolutely love the idea of playing Vile but the execution feels like complete dogshit. Trading away the godlike dash and weapon switching for a more tanky esque system feels way too weird for a game like this and I genuinely feel there's not enough to differentiate it from the main game. Also its possible to softlock yourself in some stages because YOU CAN'T CHANGE WEAPON LOADOUTS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE STAGE WHY THE FUCK IS THIS A THING IT SERVES NO PURPOSE BUT TO FUCK YOU OVER. Just not a fun mode and I'd rather just have Zero.

Reviewed on Jan 05, 2023
