One of the most unsatisfying action games I have ever played.
Bayonetta 2 has all the polish and flair the original wish it had with NONE of the complex mechanics and challenge. Umbran Climax is a cool idea on paper but the execution is FUCKING DOGSHIT and turns all fights into spamming witch time and spamming Umbran until you get a platinum or higher because this game is piss fucking easy. Weirdest thing is how Witch Time being forced leads it to being nerfed to shit compared to Bayo 1 making all fights feel so much slower despite the overall fluider gameplay from the original. Also really don't like how so many of the enemies feel just completely random with the bosses being the worst example (except the final one that was cool). Story is also kinda ass with too much of a focus on an annoying child and a feeling of meandering that doesn't really go away until the final few chapters (though I did like how it connected to the first game with Balder and such).

Just such a weaker game and genuinely one of my biggest disappointments in such a long time.


Reviewed on Jan 25, 2023
